My egg freezing experience series. I’ve made a decision to freeze my eggs as well as I’m sharing every step of the process as I go with it. I started believing about this over a year back as well as kept going back as well as forth not sure if I must or shouldn’t choose …
Running Marine Corps Marathon ideas
Hello! Last night I had a extremely elegant dinner of pizza as well as terminate Ale (Fireball + Ginger Ale). I’m delighted keeping that life choice. I may have stayed out a bit as well late so my run wasn’t the best. however I’m quite delighted I ran in any way considering. Τα πιο πρόσφατα …
Best Run eat as well as Repeat from September
Hello! Πώς πάει? Sorry this publish is a bit late – hope you didn’t believe I died from all the moldy yogurt! Actually, I kinda do hope you believed I died since then it shows you care as well as were paying attention. Τα πιο πρόσφατα βίντεο μου My charming other half in the Pysch …
Running When sick
Runners are strange people. They pay to run on public streets. They shoot boogers out of their noses onto the sidewalk. They spread vaseline in the oddest places. They suck tubes of jelly from foil packets like it’s their last meal. They smile while sweaty… MY newest VIDEOS I got A Covid-19 Test Getting a …
New speed route
part of my present to Ben was shutting off the computer last night. I’ve been really bad about bring my laptop with me while we’re enjoying TV and then staying on very late. Does anybody else do this? I made dinner before my evening shift so it was waiting when we got home. My favorite …
All the help I can get
I think I may be combating off getting sick. I was really really exhausted all afternoon, even after two substantial iced coffees! So tonight I drank one of the POM fantastic juices the company sent me. I’m hoping the vitamins and anti-oxidants in this will help kill off any lurking illness. MY newest VIDEOS Ταξιδέψτε …
Is that a banana in your purse?
I am currently flying high above the clouds on my method back to MD. But, before I got on the airplane flight terminal security stopped me since of a suspicious product in my handbag – a banana. I can only envision what they believed it was, however Ben’s random comment of the day is: Ben: …
Marathon healing
I am still recuperating from the marathon, so I’m not sure if the different body aches are disease or mary related. One thing I do understand is milk based hot chocolate was a poor concept last night because I am coughing up things that shouldn’t be discussed in public. The week after a marathon is …
Sunny Sunday
The sun was shining bright for my last day in California!!! It was an absolutely beautiful day and Ben and I were completely basking in the sun. My mother and I took the dogs for two walks ? I’ve been in Maryland so long and only wearing two pairs of pants that I forgot girls …
Διασκεδαστική Παρασκευή
Γεια σου και ευχαριστημένη την Παρασκευή! Μου άρεσε χθες το τελευταίο Jersey Shore. Δεν ξέρω πότε άρχισα να μου αρέσει πραγματικά αυτή η παράσταση και αυτοί οι άνθρωποι, αλλά το κάνω. Μην κρίνετε. Όλοι έχουμε τα πράγματα μας. Χθες το βράδυ πήρα “Sleep Squares” που προορίζονται να σας βοηθήσουν να κοιμηθείτε. Όχι, δεν είναι ένα …